[T-I personally think we should have just eaten the batter and called it a day, but that probably wouldn't have been the best choice in the long run. Also, the lumps in the lower roll are cranberries, not rat poo. I know you were thinking it.]
[T- I had one too and it was really good, although I somehow didn't manage to think of dipping it in my morning tea, which would have been superb. I will tomorrow though. There are quite a few left. If anyone likes the idea of sending us things, baked goods like cookies are a tremendous idea. J's mom sent us pumpkin muffins and we ate the whole bag in a day.]
[T- first we stopped in Crested Butte on official caretaker business! Billy had some paperwork to send to the office, since it's moved from Gothic to Crested Butte for the winter, and we dropped that off and chatted for a little bit, where we got our SECOND official winter caretaker business assignment for the day - pick up a nametag from a shop in Gunnison while we were down there. They keep us pretty busy here...]
In Walmart, we got all sorts of fun things, like mouse-proof bins and sand paper! The grocery store was a little more exciting, with gummy bears and cheese and cauliflower for me and frozen juice and cheese crackers and bulk cookie cereal for Thayer. Yeah, we went a little crazy.
[T- I also got boiled linseed oil as a nice neutral wood finisher that I can use indoors without killing us. We also got some hoisin sauce, stir fry sauce, and sri racha (whatever, that was a total guess on spelling) hot sauce for cooking. We already have soy sauce, ponzu, and oyster sauce. I've been making stir fries lately and enjoying it a lot]
On our drive home, we stopped in Crested Butte and had burritos at Teocali Tamale.
[T- I think it should be called Crested Burrito, but whatever. They were delicious either way, so I'm not going to argue. They also have mahi mahi tacos I'm going to have to try, but I just got the delicious veggie burrito this time.]
The weather was gorgeous today- really amazing- 70's and brilliantly sunny, so we walked around town for a bit. On our walk, we remembered that we had been meaning to visit the Crested Butte library, so we wandered over there. It's a wonderful little library and they kindly gave us library cards even though we don't have a permanent street address. We explained that we were winter caretakers at RMBL and they laughed and said that we would definitely need books! Thayer and I each got a few books. I'm reading Being Caribou by Karsten Heuer right now, and I am loving it so much. It tells the story of two people who follow (on foot, mostly) the caribou migration to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge throughout five months and 1,500 km. It's a quick read, so if you're looking for some fun nature reading, you should give it a try. I should also mention that there's a documentary that tells the same story. The husband and wife who undertook this are a writer and filmmaker, respectively.
[T- I just got a trashy fantasy book in the series I've been reading. I'm also reading a Best American Short Stories collection, and will soon read The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood]
While at the library, we discovered that we will be able to interlibrary loan nearly anything we want throughout the winter!
[T- we're a part of the Marmot library system, which uses trained marmots with books tied to their backs for interlibrary loan deliveries. The system is very, very inefficient in the winter. It really is called the marmot library network, though.]
So, with this in mind, I'd like to solicit book suggestions. Is there anything you've read recently and loved? Or maybe a favorite book that I haven't read yet? I appreciate any and all suggestions!
Again LOL. I love your blog even if I may be biased. I love Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery and since you seem a little understressed,I think you should read it in french. At any rate, you'll love the author's website with her husband's photography: http://muriel.barbery.net/
mom carolyn or is it carolyn mom?
and the biscotti look stunning---perhaps a little soft in the center? which i personally prefer (feel free to weigh in on this scott, if you haven't broken your computer again
Hi Jessica and Thayer,
Your blogsite is great, with your nice photos and descriptions of food. I just read a book called the "Daily Coyote" by Shreve Stockton and highly recommend it, I think you'd both like it. Hope it is at the CB Library. Good luck w/ that 2d woodrat!
See you soon,
Scotch here, I'm catching up on your blog via my telegraph machine, kudos on the swell bloggery. Thayer, I hope you enjoy[ed] The Blind Assassin, it's one of my favorite of Atwood's. I have a couple of somewhat-recently read books that I'd recommend, if you can get your hands on them. First is "The Time of Our Singing", by Richard Powers, which is just amazing writing and storytelling--the plot is sort of a confluence of American race identity, relativity, and classical music/singing (that sounds like an unlikely combination, but I really loved the book--I think either of you two would enjoy it). The next one is mostly for Thayer, because it's nerdily goofily sci-phi-losoph-ish: The Starmaker, by Olaf Stapleton. It's early (circa 1917, I think) science fiction/quasi-philosophy, and it's totally fun. Alas, no Carolyn, I cannot endorse your soft-centered biscotti heresy; they should be as sere as tumbleweed and sharp enough to lacerate the gums. Well, maybe a little soft.
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